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University of Colorado Foundation

For more than five decades, 科罗拉多大学基金会与科罗拉多大学密切合作,扩大慈善努力. 通过基金会的私人捐款使大学能够在教育方面取得有影响力的进步, research, clinical care and community engagement.

University of Colorado Foundation

For more than five decades, 科罗拉多大学基金会与科罗拉多大学密切合作,扩大慈善努力. 通过基金会的私人捐款使大学能够在教育方面取得有影响力的进步, research, clinical care and community engagement.

About the University of Colorado Foundation

For over 50 years, 科罗拉多大学基金会与科罗拉多大学合作,加强对科罗拉多大学的慈善支持. Private support for the university, given through the philanthropic portal of the Foundation, enables the university to transform lives through education, research, clinical care and community engagement. See the Impact Report 2023 and the CU Foundation’s Audited Financial Statements 浏览截至2023年6月30日的基金会财政年度亮点. See CU Foundation’s Financial and Investment Documents for additional years, fiscal policies and guides.

该基金会于1967年由一群热心的校友和社区领袖成立,他们寻求为大学筹集和投资私人资金,以增加其其他收入来源. 科罗拉多大学基金会是一个法律上独立的501(c)(3)慈善组织,作为科罗拉多大学进步的一部分.

基金会的工作重点是通过客户服务和保证接受捐赠来管理捐赠者, processing and administration. 基金会投资和分配捐赠基金的方式与捐赠者建立的目的一致,并从其管理的基金中分配美元,以支持整个大学系统及其四个校区的各种计划和活动.

科罗拉多大学基金会是科罗拉多大学的重要合作伙伴, 通过提供卓越的捐赠经验来推进大学的使命, safeguarding donor intent, 确保预付业务有足够的资金,并审慎管理委托给基金会的资产.

科罗拉多大学基金会是向科罗拉多大学提供慈善捐赠的门户,并负责接收, 管理和投资捐赠和其他捐赠基金的基金会持有为科罗拉多大学的利益.

We deliver exceptional customer service博彩平台推荐积极主动地解决需求,并迅速回应内部和外部利益相关者的要求.
We act with integrity博彩平台推荐致力于保持透明度,并在博彩平台推荐的工作中遵循最佳做法.
We are innovativewe promote a culture of shared knowledge and new ideas.
We embrace our fiduciary responsibilities博彩平台推荐努力成为托付给博彩平台推荐的资源的优秀管理者.
We are welcoming and inclusive博彩平台推荐营造一个协作的工作环境,鼓励并使博彩平台推荐能够相互欣赏和尊重.

Financial highlights

As of June 30, 2024, the Foundation managed over $2.8 billion in assets for the University of Colorado, including over 4,000 current fund accounts and over 3,500 endowment funds. The endowments collectively were valued at $2.20亿美元,基金会的长期投资池(LTIP)的价值为2美元.7 billion.

在截至2024年的财政年度,科罗拉多大学基金会的LTIP回报了8%.67% (net of fees). The LTIP’s 3-year annualized investment performance was +3.15%, its 7-year performance was +9.20%, its 10-year performance was +7.93%, and its 15-year performance was +9.27%. See the Investment Update for a current report on the LTIP’s recent investment performance.

Governance and staffing

The Foundation is governed by an elected board of directors. Board committees include an Investment Policy Committee, a Finance/Operations Committee and an Audit Committee. See a list of board members and committee chairs.

The Foundation’s day-to-day operations are overseen by Jack Finlaw, its President and CEO, who works with an administrative staff of 20 employees. Read more about the Foundation’s executive team.

基金会采用外包首席投资官(OCIO)模式,并通过Cerity Partners OCIO签订投资管理服务合同, a private investment management firm. 基金会的投资政策委员会建立投资政策参数,OCIO在其中运作, 并在独立顾问的协助下监督OCIO的表现.

Operating budget

The Foundation generates revenue from three primary sources:

  • an assessment on endowed funds in the LTIP
  • a distribution from the Foundation’s short term investment pool
  • a distribution from a board-designated quasi-endowment

Of the $47.在2023财政年度预算收入的500万美元中,基金会将保留6美元.2 million to fund its operations and transfer $35.700万美元,用于资助CU advance的运营费用和IT基础设施投资.

Endowment Spending Policy

基金会的董事会已经制定了一项捐赠支出政策,为基金会为大学的利益所持有的捐赠的支出设定了参数. 董事会致力于投资和管理所有捐赠基金符合适用的联邦和州法律和行业标准.

捐赠支出政策的目标是实现大学现在和未来需求之间的平衡. 这意味着要平衡当前受益者的需求和大学的发展业务,同时保持捐赠基金的购买力,以支持未来的受益者. The policy aims to provide the university with perpetual, 不断增长和持续的收入,并保持每笔捐赠的实际价值, net of annual distributions and fees.

The Endowment Spending Policy has three components:

  1. a distribution formula
  2. an assessment to fund advancement operations
    The annual assessment to fund CU Advancement operations is 1.5% of the market value of each endowment. 该费用从12月31日开始计算,并在每年的7月1日支付.
  3. rules relating to the suspension of distributions


科罗拉多大学基金会的受托人是科罗拉多大学最忠实的朋友和最慷慨的捐助者之一. 受托人获得管理经验和机会,了解科罗拉多大学教师正在做的重要工作, staff and students. 科罗拉多大学基金会的受托人不是董事会的成员,他们没有信托责任. 博彩平台推荐邀请受托人了解中大,提倡中大,并投资中大. 

基金会每季度召开一次受托人会议,以促进中大的发展. 基金会董事会主委也主持保管委员会会议.